(-- F3 to save and exit --) Percentages It's important to allocate resources for your marketing effort. Resources could be dollars, hours, people, or all three. That decision is yours. Enter your units (hours, dollars, etc.) here ____________ % spent on/with existing or past customers/clients _____________ % spent on/with specific potential customers or leads ______________ % spent on industry PR (articles/press releases etc.) _____________ (TOTAL FROM ABOVE SHOULD EQUAL 100%) Next, let's split advertising from other marketing and PR functions. One of the first things companies tend to do is run ads. That's part of the marketing picture and it's important to know the percentage of dollars (or whatever) it will require relative to all other PR/marketing activities. While you can always count on getting in print with an ad, its cost can be high enough to cripple other marketing activities. % spent on ad programs ____________ % spent on everything else ____________ (-- F3 to save and exit --)